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Urban Area Plan -U.A.P.


Urban Area Plan is a project planning and spatial planning framework that is based on local rules of the GUP planning (Urban Design) and regulates its areas.

Local Urbanism Plan is finalized with the Town Planning Regulations.

-When you need P.U.Z.? -When you want to build a building that exceeds the area, height or change the ownership or function area.

Urban Area Plan supersedes local regulation plan areas where there GUP approved building permits are issued under this Plan Planning Area.

Urban area plan details the rules of general urban plan.Regulamentul divided areas of the city in UTR's (territorial unit of reference) that details their Zonal Urbanism Plan, showing such functions, allotments or have problems in detail.


To meet our financial offer personalized and we expect to launch these services in Ploiesti, Decebal 47, Prahova, Romania or contact at 0731319281, 0745066547;


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