Evidence of technical, economic and legal which makes the identification, registration and cadastral mapping and real estate plans
Giving possession in agriculture and forestry, industry licensing
Maps and plans at different scales. Microrelief forms of representation by contours. Make maps and topographical plans. Calculation of areas on plans and maps.
Drawing up plans with contours.
2. Engineering TOPOGRAPHY
Drawing angles, distances, rates, etc. sloping lines. Drawing characteristic points of construction.
Industrial and civil construction drawing. Tracking the strain construction in use.Study of civil and industrial construction. Drawing horses communications: railway, roads and bridges. Tracing in detail the circular curves.
Drawing of civil construction projects, industrial, communications pathways
Civil and industrial construction stakeout
Tracking the horizontal and vertical displacements
Topographical infrastructure projects
Planimetric measurements and specific leveling infrastructure projects (communications paths, bridges, adduction of gas, water)