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Geographic Information Systems


-Realization of thematic maps on demand (links between the graphical and textual database specialist) that lead to quickly and easily query information (and today more than ever valuable information means and opportunity)

Advantages of GIS incontestabie imposed these techniques in various fields: information from a public or private institution, including the study of natural disasters, having as a starting point map.

Internationally, it provides increasing involvement of GIS techniques in information management. Applicable areas: agriculture, marketing, investment analysis, mapping, conservation and environmental protection, the police, security services and military, natural disasters and technological management, supply the population with consumer goods and raw materials (gas, oil, etc..) geology, local administration, sociology, health, natural resources, oceanography, territorial planning, tourism, waste management, etc. digital telephony. The simple enumeration of these areas is suggestive of the level reached in GIS techniques.

No application or delay in realization of a GIS for the study of natural disasters is truly incalculable consequences for the Romanian society in all respects, the short, medium and long term, from the individual, local, regional and development plan national.In private companies or GIS budget can be as important as program planning tasks or a business plan.

The results of a GIS is not limited to maps, using such a system are obtained GIS database dedicated thematic info-products derived from GIS plane and most importantly, perhaps, estimates of reserves of water layer the snow. At the same time, digital cartographic products derived from satellite images is a real support for studies of space are much more efficient urban.The data are much better organized redundancies are limited in data storage, users have increased productivity and ultimately, analysis, statistics and searches are made much easier.


To meet our financial offer personalized and we expect to launch these services in Ploiesti, Decebal 47, Prahova, Romania or contact at 0731319281, 0745066547;


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